Since 1851, 114 hurricanes have battered Florida, an easy target considering the state is a three-sided peninsula prone to Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean storms. Thirty-seven of these storms were major systems with winds raging from 100-160 miles per hour. In that respect, let’s discount masking tape entirely as a way to prevent damage to your home’s windows. But are you confident in your hurricane shutters?

Important facts to note about hurricane shutters:

  • Installing hurricane shutters over pre-existing windows is a waste of money should you own an older home whose windows do not meet pressure standards, close improperly or are crank closed such as jalousie windows. Negative air pressure created by hurricanes can dislodge doors and windows allowing for intensive water and wind damage, not to mention flying glass. The shutters themselves can actually add to the problem by becoming debris themselves!
  • New homes built according to The Florida Building Code are required to have either hurricane impact windows or non-impact windows that meet storm pressure and hurricane shutter thresholds. Do you see the problem here? Windows that need to be safeguarded against the performance of hurricane shutters designed to protect those very windows are suspect.
  • Installing new non-impact windows along with shutters is not an easy fix but the more costly way to go with no better performance of withstanding hurricane air pressure changes than your old, pre-existing windows and doors.

Take into consideration, then, the advantages that hurricane impact windows guarantee your family and home investment, as opposed to hurricane shutters:

  • Hurricane impact windows are stand alone installations that require nothing else to protect them. All of the materials used withstand pressure, wind and corrosion that will cost effectively provide you with the safety you need during a storm, save you money over the duration of your home’s lifetime and increase its resale value.
  • You will receive better insurance premiums since hurricane impact windows are always in place, protecting your property with no inconvenience to you, no matter where you are.
  • Your hurricane impact windows will also allow you to monitor what is happening during a storm rather than being left shuttered up in the dark and wondering what is going on outside.
  • Hurricane impact windows increase the money you’ll save on your utilities bill, typically reducing electricity usage by 20-50%.
  • Hurricane impact windows are also force tested against burglary, providing an added advantage to your home’s security system.
  • Noise in your home will be reduced by 70%.
  • In addition to maintaining the appealing exterior of your home, hurricane impact windows also block 99% of the UV rays that enter our homes every day, protecting draperies, flooring and furniture from the fading effects of the sun while you still enjoy The Sunshine State!
  • According to the 2017 Cost vs. Value Report, Impact windows can improve your home's resale value and provide up to 110% return on investment. Click Here to view Cost vs. Value Report.

    Cost vs. Value Report

For more information on this topic, download a free copy of our comprehensive analysis of impact products vs shutters

Whether you’re a coastal native or have chosen to live on the seaboard chances are that, along with its beauty, you will experience the powerful weather that the ocean creates. Ensure that you’re well prepared with Window and Door Replacement Company; we see it through and make sure you do, too.

by Kate Donovan